Three Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Date

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We’ve all been there: You’re browsing around on SocialSex or EroticSearch, you meet a girl online, you set up the date, you’re all ready to hit the night running in hopes that it will end in a sweaty, heaving pile on your bed. But then it happens – she walks in and she’s not what you were expecting at all. She doesn’t look like she does in the photos on her online dating profile. In fact, she’s hideous! Or worse, she’s bat

shit crazy insane! You need to get out of there, but you don’t want to cause a scene. So, what can you do to gracefully exit the date without hurting feelings? Here’s three ideas.

1. Plant a Phone Call


“Hey, whatsup? Oh, Mr. Fluffy died? I’ll be right there.”


time you decide to meet up with someone for a date, plan ahead and have a friend to call you about 45 minutes into it (or however long you think it will take you

to figure out you need to get out of there). If you’re not feeling the date, all you have to do is pretend that they are calling you about an emergency of some sort: you need to fix a problem at work, your best friend just got dumped, your mother’s basement is flooding. Kindly explain

that the situation sounds serious, excuse yourself politely, and leave.

2. Fake An Allergy


“Oh my God, was there butter in that?!”

In a panic, suddenly question what ingredients make up the dish you’re eating. Pick any of the ones said. Say you’re allergic to it and that you left your medication at home. Then excuse yourself and leave. This works

best if you’re on a dinner date, but you could easily be allergic to something in the air or that plant you just walked by.

3. Out Crazy The Crazy


“If you wouldn’t mind parting with some eyelashes, I’ll take some of those too.”

A “crazy girl” is the one that’s talking about her wedding dress and what your children will look like and what kind of goldfish you’ll buy together before you even get through the first date. Unfortunately, this tactic doesn’t work so well for men. While it will hit the creep factor a bit, it mostly just makes you seem desperate and pathetic. This could backfire in two ways – they suddenly look at you as a party to pity, which may result in them sticking even closer to you, at least for the night. OR, they are equally desperate and pathetic and respond to you positively. Neither of those things are helping you end this hell date any earlier.

So, how do guys do crazy? Think more “serial killer” than “pathetic loser”. Don’t do anything violent or worthy of a call to the police, just sound mildly threatening or a little off your rocker. Start with subtle crazy – twitch and mumble to yourself under your breath. Then escalate the creepy factor – talk about how you like to play the banjo on your porch at 4 am, or how you how you like to collect toe nail clippings, or something equally cringe-worthy. Still not working? Try getting physical in a way that invades her personal space but isn’t grounds for harassment.

But if you want to avoid a bad date in the first place and have the most successful online dating life that you can, be sure to join the best dating sites, make

sure you’re the kind of guy women actually want to date and work on your game.